The purpose of having insurance is to protect you in times of need. When damage occurs to your home or property, you have the expectation that your insurance company will make you whole again. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
All too often homeowners do not fully understand the language in their insurance policy or their legal rights. Insurance policies cover damages caused by a variety of occurrences: storm damage, wind damage from a storm, hail, hurricane, structural damage from rain, flooding from a plumbing leak, roof damage, vandalism, theft, etc. But just because your responsible and pay your premiums on time does NOT mean that your insurance company will pay you the full value of your claim. That’s why it’s important not to go it alone in a situation like this, you need the help of an experienced attorney, especially who has represented insurance companies in the past to help you get what you deserve.
So your best shot at getting the settlement you want is to NOT go it alone! I’m waiting to help you so call 914-357-1481 or fill out the contact form.